Single Review: Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys – “Goth Beach”

Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys

photo courtesy of Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys

Single Review of Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys: “Goth Beach”

I received a copy of this song early last summer, and what a perfect summer song it would have been, if I had been up-to-date with my reviews at the time! But I’m not sure “Goth Beach” even has to be a season – what would be more Goth than a winter beach weekend, after all? – so crank this up and enjoy what may soon be your favorite new beach song.

Walter Sicker & the Army of Broken Toys – "Goth Beach"

cover art by Walter Alice Sickert; image courtesy of Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys

Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys list themselves as rock, goth, and steampunk, among other things. Well, yeah, I’ll second that.

This single, “Goth Beach,” is creatively fun and playful, with an energetic beat that’ll soon have you bouncing along. The raw, raucous rough-edged performance style is meticulously cultivated by the way the rhythm section pops. Even Walter’s vocals are simultaneously jagged and smoothly powerful, hinting at the versatility of this theatrical pop ensemble.

And if you begin to tire from the energy of goth-rocking along to “Goth Beach,” you can sit back, chill, and take notice the lyrical mentions of Robert Smith, Siouxsie Sioux, Elvira, and Vincent Price, among others. In the end, whether you typically like this style of music or not (and I defy you to define this song’s style), you’ll enjoy “Goth Beach”; it’s a fun “beach” song for any season… or any year.

Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys

photo courtesy of Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys

More Recently

In February, Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys released the 10-track (steam?)punk-infused album Ghost Parade. Then, this summer in July, the band released a version the song “Keep My Head” with bigger, fuller, richer production than the version released a few months earlier on Ghost Parade.

Looking Ahead

I don’t see any upcoming shows listed on the events tab of the band’s Facebook page, but there are some recent past shows listed there, so check back for updates. You’ll perhaps have better luck following the band on Instagram, as this recent post notes that Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys will be back at the Museum of Science for its Halloween Happening on October 26th.

You can also support the band on Patreon.

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